Looking For A Job?
Millions of Jobs from Natural Gas — And More Possible!
While the BlueJobs website focuses on the tremendous economic impact and importance natural gas plays in the overall U.S. economy, we know that some people come here for job leads. Hopefully the following links will help:
- ShaleNET comprehensive recruitment, training, placement, and retention program –http://www.shalenet.org
Nationwide Job Leads
- American Gas Association: http://www.aga.org/Kc/findindustryjobs/Pages/default.aspx
- American Public Gas Association: http://www.apga.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3286
- Energy Central: http://www.energycentraljobs.com
- Feedburner: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/JobsNaturalGas
- Shale Zone Jobs: http://shalezonejobs.jobamatic.com/a/jobs/find-jobs
State Specific Job Leads
- Alaska: http://www.jobs.state.ak.us/energy.htm
- New Mexico: http://www.nmgco.com/Careers.aspx
- Pennsylvania: http://marcelluscoalition.org/workforce
- Rocky Mountain States: http://www.rockiesenergyworkforce.org
If you want to suggest a link or report a broken link, contact: jeff.schrade@ngsa.org.